무료 동영상 감상 Baruch Porras-Hernandez Super Queer Open Mic 11

(10.9 MB) 26 Mar 2017에 추가됨 112번 플레이됨 단어 재미 Funny People Camera
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Baruch Porras-Hernandez Super Queer Open Mic 11

애니메이션 설명:

Amy Dentata started performing music at open mics in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, before moving to the Bay to pursue a career as an artist. While attending school in San Francisco, she simultaneously discovered the SF Queer Open Mic and a love for spoken word. Amy is currently putting the finishing touches on Bite, a collection of poetry and short stories. Her work will also appear in Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, a resource guide for the trans community. This is her first feature performance.
