무료 동영상 감상 Citroën Commercial: The Sleeping Supporter

(11.4 MB) 27 May 2016에 추가됨 68번 플레이됨 자동차 웃김 Funny Commercial Funny People Automobile Vehicle Commercial
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Citroën Commercial: The Sleeping Supporter

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Citroën and advertising agency Les Gaulois have released this unbelievable video ad recently.

The spot takes place somewhere in France. A man wakes up from what later appears to be a four year long sleep. His long beard and hair make him look like a cave man. However, it isn’t important to his dog, who comes to greet him. When he meets his family, they are in awe. However, there is a reason why he woke up. And it isn’t his lovely family.

Watch the video and have a good laugh.
