무료 동영상 감상 NUX First Impulse

(27.8 MB) 28 Jan 2017에 추가됨 75번 플레이됨 비디오 게임 3D Gameplay Game Animation 3D Animation
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NUX First Impulse

애니메이션 설명:

This is a screencapture from our fun 3d interactive scene, available for download from box.net/nux1i It is already a bit "rusty" - won't run without python 2.5 on gnu/linux and untested on windows 7, but if it's not your case, then hope you'll enjoy! And please check out our another video fragments which show the first impulse ― beginning stages of development of NUX 3d virtual environment, largest project we ever had. All elements as houses, roads, vehicles, landscapes, and these videos, even music — all here is made by us from zero.
