무료 동영상 감상 Three Commercial: Sing It Kitty

(28.6 MB) 28 May 2016에 추가됨 257번 플레이됨 아동용 웃김 자전거 모바일 Funny Commercial Phone Funny People Kids Commercial
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Three Commercial: Sing It Kitty

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애니메이션 설명:

Three and advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy have released this incredibly entertaining video recently.

The British mobile provider claims for the all silly stuff that fill our lives with joy. Therefore, don’t hesitate sing with the little girl and her adorable kitty, who are driving around on a bicycle, singing a fun tune. Apparently, you can also create your own music video with a singing kitty. The campaign was very successful and the video was already viewed over 2,6 million times in a few days!

Watch the commercial and tell us if you liked it.
