무료 동영상 감상 The Rubber Band Ball - Short Documentary

(94.4 MB) 25 Apr 2017에 추가됨 75번 플레이됨 아동용 영화 Travel Awesome Kid
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The Rubber Band Ball - Short Documentary

애니메이션 설명:

Most movies are made out of necessity but some are made out of love. The Rubber Band Ball was made by us during the last four months out of our growing love for the city of dreams…Mumbai. This movie was part of a competition, organized and funded by Siemens where 10 next generation filmmakers from across the world told stories of urban sustainability of their cities. I’m extremely proud to say that "The Rubber Band Ball" was among the top four winning entry among the 10 shortlisted. I’m grateful to everyone who helped make this movie possible…I sincerely hope we have been able to tell a yet untold story of our beloved city, Mumbai.
